. Would You Like To Make Better Decisions? Try This - Your Queries Solutions

Would You Like To Make Better Decisions? Try This

                 Would You Like To Make Better Decisions? Try This

Do you ever second-guess your choices and wonder why you made them?

We all make poor choices.

relationship initiation without being in love

accepting a job you're not interested about developing goods that no one wants

Things happen (the above examples are all about me). Nevertheless, the odd thing is that poor choices never seem to be poor choices at the time.

Among the most successful investors of all time, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet, I've been reading about how they make decisions.

I learned that Buffet and Munger had a learning technique centred on what you should avoid doing from Alice Schroeder's biography of Warren Buffett. They recognise errors and try to stay away from them. Yet, as Charlie Munger notes:

"Wise people make stupid decisions."

You will always make mistakes. You can, however, try your best to refrain from making poor choices.

Also, you might make your own blunders by adopting other people's mistakes by learning from them. It will help you learn more quickly.

Avoid overthinking.

People with intelligence are way too focused on acting morally. They aspire to have the ideal life, career, home, company, automobile, vacation, etc.

Analysis paralysis occurs when you place too much pressure on yourself to choose wisely.

I just had a conversation with a friend about changing careers. I asked him to explain his thought process to me:

"My job used to be interesting, but I no longer enjoy working for this company. It's been four years since I started this work. Even though I've received two promotions, the work is still the same. I have thus been researching different businesses. But what if I choose a different location and it doesn't work out? I'll have to move on quick.

I didn't say anything.

"Simply listening to myself talk makes me do something else: overthink it."

We both laughed uncontrollably. The same is true for excessive thinking. You have probably also been there.

You become paralysed if you overthink every choice you make. Nothing came of it. That's a poor result right there!

Many waste their lives in this way

Becoming yourself aware of your thinking process is the only way to quit overthinking. My acquaintance realised how illogical his thought process was when I questioned him about it.

The future is out of your control. Stop pondering it, then.

Alternatively, try this: Make modest choices. Make decisions frequently.

Peter Bevelin's book Seeking Wisdom was just what I needed. It has to do with Charlie Munger's mentality. Avoiding mistakes is one of his methods for making decisions. Nonetheless, there are numerous interpretations of that.

You may completely avoid making decisions out of fear of making blunders. You end up not making any decisions at all. As Munger puts it

"The distinction between a good business and a terrible business is that the former presents a series of simple choices. The bad businesses repeatedly make difficult judgements.

Better decisions are made when decisions are made sooner.

You have a greater probability of making wiser choices if you make more and earlier judgements.

I frequently assert that there are only decisions and no good or incorrect ones. That's not exactly true. Of course, there's a difference in the quality of our options. That's the topic of another article.

The fact is that making no decision at all is also a decision. If that's a conscious move, that's okay. You give it some thought and decide that the wisest course of action is to do nothing.       



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